The two cabanas will give us space for 16 at the pool in a half private elevated area looking down on the pool. I am going to post an RSVP in Discord group because I believe they give our wrist bans to access the cabanas. If we need a 3rd cabana we can always add one more between now and when the sunrises on the pool!
Its starting to sink in how real this omg its happening it happening! Hope we can make it an epic experience for everyone! Our community is pretty rad <3 We love fun!
The first few were so much fun! Meeting everyone, hanging out at the pool party, the special events, or just on the St. Seeing Creamy get pied on Fremont street in public was epic! The pie catapult device was an instant classic, and MessyGirls event was a blast. If you can make it this year, you need to be there for the messy fun!